Caesareum will start with a mint and a supply of 0 tokens. We utilize an inverse bonding curve system to incentivize early investors while enabling later participants to hope for a favorable entry. This system, coupled with the deployment of the Liquidity Pool, will provide numerous arbitrage opportunities between the curve price and the LP price, thus generating volume and fees. This, in turn, will bolster our treasury, APY, and drive up demand. All of these elements contribute to the effective functioning of our Flywheel.

An initial liquidity of $50,000 to $100,000 will be deployed once $100,000 has been reached via the curve. The distribution of the supply at the launch of the Liquidity Pool will be as follows:

61% public / 28% LP / 10% Seed round. The curve will launch with a token in the form of ERC-20. You will mint $aCAESAR, which can be redeemed for $CAESAR at a 1:1 ratio via our Dapp. This will give you full double functionalities of the 404, allowing you to use them for rebases or trade them directly in the LP.

Token Taxation

The token will have:

  • 0% Buy Taxes

  • 10% Sell Taxes

Revenue Sharing System

Thanks to our aggressive revenue sharing system, 80% of any fees or money generated through Caesareum will be used as rewards for the rebases. The remaining 20% of each fee will go to the team wallet.

Treasury Fees

These fees, which constitute the treasury of Caesareum, include:

  • Marketplace Fees: 7.5%

  • Fees Generated by the LP & Token

  • Fees Generated by Features on the Dapp: Ludus, Hospital

  • Money Collected from Minting via the Bonding Curve

Last updated