
The Caesareum Rebase system, called Munus, will have 6 events over 14 days. During these rebase events, the total token supply will be regularly adjusted to make Caesareum deflationary, turning it into an exciting on-chain Battle Royale. Munus Battle Royale

A Munus operates as a Battle Royale. You stake your fighters, who then "battle" to survive each rebase. The survival of your fighter depends on their stats. To be eligible for Munus Rewards, your fighter must make "kills." Kills are achieved by surviving combats. The higher your glory stat (kills) in a Munus, the higher your ranking. For more details, see the Fighters Stats category.

There will be 2 different types of Munus. The Mandatory and the Non-mandatory ones.
During the non-required Munus, the % of burn will be much lower.

Non-mandatory munus are not revealed and could appear at any time.

Rebase System

Here is how we will proceed for the burn of the supply and the % of eliminations on each Munus:

  • First Munus, The Great Purge - 65% remaining supply

  • Second Munus, The First Survivors - 50% remaining supply.

  • Third Munus, The Chess Game - 35% remaining supply.

  • Fourth Munus, The winning Tier - 20% remaining supply.

  • Fifth Munus , The 5 of Legend - 5% remaining supply.

  • Sixth Munus, The survivors - Only 1% of the original supply will remain.


Rebase Event Details

Each rebase event lasts for 8 hours. Participants will have a 4-hour window to stake their tokens.

  • Event Duration: 8 hours

  • Staking Window: 4 hours

To find out how the rewards on each Munus will be distributed, and how the survivor bonus will work, see our section on Munus Rewards.

Last updated