Mastering Game Theory in DeFi

Engaging Premise

Caesareum is a DeFi protocol that incorporates the unique properties of a 404. The core idea is simple yet engaging: survive to claim victory. Each Munus event eliminates a percentage of the token supply through our rebase system, similar to rounds in a casino where the best players thrive. This burning of tokens increases their backing price, creating arbitrage opportunities via the liquidity pool.

Innovative Systems

  • Deflationary Rebases: Regular token burns reduce supply, increasing value (thanks to our decentralized reserve currency.)

  • Aggressive Revenue Sharing: Redistribution of 80% of the treasury to incentivize participation.

  • Staking: Earn extra yields and increase your survival chance by staking tokens.

Eligibility for yield To earn yields on Caesareum, participate in Rebase events (Munus). Holding at least one whole token gives you an NFT ("fighter") with a value backed by the treasury. Participation in these events is mandatory, and top performers receive Munus Rewards. Reduced supply boosts the floor price, enhancing investment opportunities.

Floor Price Mechanism

  • Token Creation: Tokens are created through a curve and backed by treasury assets.

  • Increasing Mint Price: Early entrants benefit from lower prices, while prices rise with each new token.

  • Supply Burns: Continuous burns raise the floor price.

  • No Direct Redemption: Tokens must be sold via LP or marketplace. Only 1% of tokens at the last Munus can be exchanged for treasury assets.

Yield Distribution and Leaderboard

Top players are rewarded based on their leaderboard ranking at each Munus event, receiving Rebase Rewards (Munus Rewards).

Token Sales and Redistribution Token sales incur a 10% tax for sellers, with proceeds redistributed to players. This mechanism maintains value flow within the ecosystem, promoting sustainability and player engagement.

Caesareum represents a paradigm shift in DeFi economics, seamlessly blending gameplay with tokenomics to create a dynamic and rewarding experience.

As players navigate the intricacies of strategy, they unlock opportunities for profit and advancement. With its innovative approach and potential, Caesareum emerges as a cornerstone of the evolving DeFi landscape, promising continued seasons of excitement and prosperity for its participants.

Last updated