Fighters Stats


There are 5 different statistics for our fighters. The stats will be out of 50:

  • Strength

  • Speed

  • Agility

  • Resistance

  • Glory (kill)

The ones that define their survival in the arena are Strength, Speed and Agility.

Your fighter will also be assigned a Tier.

There are five tiers, from D to S, each representing a range of combat power.

  • Tier D: 0 to 30

  • Tier C: 30 to 60

  • Tier B: 60 to 90

  • Tier A: 90 to 120

  • Tier S: 120 to 150

The probabilities vary based on the difference in tiers between the combatants:

  • 1 tier difference: 60% / 40%

  • 2 tiers difference: 70% / 30%

  • 3 tiers difference: 80% / 20%

  • 4 tiers difference: 90% / 10%

  • Same tier: The one with the highest total survival stats has a 60% chance of winning, the other 40%.

You can switch from one Tier to another directly via the Ludus.


The resistance stat defines the fighter's risk of injury after surviving an event.

How the stats works:

  • Between 0 and 5 : 100% chance of injury

  • Between 5 and 10 : 90%

  • Between 10 and 15 : 80%

  • Between 15 and 20 : 70%

  • Between 20 and 25 : 60%

  • Between 25 and 30 : 50%

  • Between 30 and 35 : 40%

  • Between 35 and 40 : 30%

  • Between 40 and 45 : 20%

  • Between 45 and 50 : 10%

There are 3 types of wounds:

  • Serious

  • Average

  • Light

And they occur randomly.

Glory (kills)

The glory stat corresponds to your kills and affects your ranking on the leaderboard. The more glory stats and kills your fighter accumulates, the higher your ranking will be. A good placement on the leaderboard makes you eligible for boosted APY directly linked to the emperor's treasury, where 80% of the treasury is redistributed.

Card Rarity Distribution

The distribution of card rarity will be as follows:

  • Tier S: 1%

  • Tier A: 15%

  • Tier B: 20%

  • Tier C: 25%

  • Tier D: 39%

Last updated